Payment Solutions

OwlPay provides various tools to help businesses initiate payouts in fiat currencies, stablecoins, and credit card networks. Businesses can choose the best options that suit their needs and enjoy affordable, real-time, transparent, and flexible payment services.


Fiat Currency

Cash flow is the most important part of everyday commerce. Demand for payments occurs when conducting business activities like purchases, rentals, payroll, taxes, and other operating expenses. OwlPay partners with global banks and licensed payment service providers, allowing users to automatically send and receive payment instructions through APIs, reconcile accounts, and initiate mass payouts.

Besides domestic transfers, businesses with international payment needs can also deposit multiple currency types and payout to every corner of the world. With OwlPay, you can complete currency exchanges and remittances in just a few clicks with complete transparency. There are no hidden costs and all fees are displayed in real-time. On top of 24/7 settlements, our exchange rates are often more favorable than banks and can help users lower B2B remittance costs.

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  • * Certain services may have additional eligibility requirements. Please contact OwlPay's sales team for more information.
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For forward thinking businesses, using stablecoins for international transactions is valuable because they reduce the friction of borders and bank transfers. OwlPay provides payment services utilizing stablecoins to make payouts easier and secure for international businesses. Users first deposit USD/USDC to their OwlPay account; after all funds are converted to USDC, they can then choose to pay out in USD/USDC to receivers' bank accounts or digital wallets. Through USDC payments, cross-border remittances become substantially cheaper, as users are no longer charged with multiple transaction and foreign exchange fees.

To make stablecoin payments easier, we also offer each recipient a digital wallet. OwlPay's wallet features cutting-edge cryptography and multiple threshold approval technologies. This allows users to receive payments and use it as a corporate cold wallet to enhance the security of your funds.

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  • * Certain services may have additional eligibility requirements. Please contact OwlPay's sales team for more information.
  • * Stablecoin payment services are jointly provided by OwlPay and its partners.
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Commercial Card and Account Payables

If your vendor has frequent collection needs or wants to enhance the use of funds, using a Commercial Card and Account Payable Solution is an ideal choice. Recipients can log in to the OwlPay platform to request payments at any time based on their cash flow needs, and we offer automated card issuance so that even daily payments are not an added burden to your business. You can make payments after you receive your credit card bill, giving you more flexibility in funding arrangements.

OwlPay's credit card mechanism not only extends the delivery period for your business, but also shortens the collection cycle for your merchants, providing great benefits for both the receiving and paying parties.

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  • * Non-Taiwanese businesses are ineligible for Commercial Card and Account Payable Solution at this time. Please contact OwlPay's sales team for more information.
  • * OwlPay's Commercial Card and Account Payable Solution is jointly provided by OwlPay and its partners.
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