Your Transactions Could Earn You Incredible Apple Rewards!
Complete cash-in or cash-out transactions at select MoneyGram locations in the US and for a chance to win amazing prizes like Apple iPads, AirPods, and exclusive USDC rewards! 🎁💰
12/31/2024 - 4/30/2025
Complete a cash-in/cash-out transaction at the select MoneyGram locations and share your OwlPay Wallet Pro experience with a creative video.
Tag us using #OwlPay2025Challenge on Instagram, TikTok, or X so we can find you.
Participants can get 10 USDC when they upload their video and have a chance to win one of the following prizes.
The video should include the OwlPay Wallet Pro and MoneyGram logo and how you cashed-in and cashed-out.
Example A: A Latino mother worried about money and her son went to MoneyGram to cash-in and sent USDC to her with OwlPay Wallet Pro immediately.
Example B: A man walking down the street with ease and go pick up cash at at select MoneyGram locations
Complete a cash-in or cash-out transaction (no amount limit) at the selected MoneyGram locations with OwlPay Wallet Pro to win the ticket.
You can get 1 ticket every time you finish a transaction.
Rewards: Up to $100 in cash
*Each successful transaction earns a ticket, representing one entry into the raffle. The draw will take place after the event concludes.
Complete 3+ cash-in or cash-out transactions at the select MoneyGram locations with OwlPay Wallet Pro during the campaign period for an additional chance to win Apple AirPods 4(10 in total)!
By participating in this promotional event, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before entering the event:
* You have the right to deny consent. However, you may be restricted from claiming the above prizes should you do so.
OwlPay Wallet Pro reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.