

OwlPay 奧丁丁支付服務

工作內容 Job Description

  • 奧丁丁各事業體日文翻譯: 包含區塊鏈、金融科技、旅宿系統、旅遊產業、市集平台
  • 配合CEO出差至日本之隨行口譯
  • 其他主管交辦事項
  • Translate materials of business units under OwlTing Group into Japanese, which include the blockchain applications, the FinTech platform, the property management system, the hospitality industry, and the grocery e-commerce platform.
  • Interpret for the CEO during business trips to Japan.
  • Other assignments.

申請條件 Requirements

  • 兩年以上日本工作經驗
  • 口齒清晰、表達能力佳
  • 了解日本文化,具備與高階主管應對進退之能力
  • 需良好自我管理及自律能力
  • 具團隊協調及專案管理能力
  • Minimum 2 years of experience working in Japan.
  • Excellent articulate skills.
  • Great understanding of Japanese culture; excellent communication skills with senior management.
  • Excellent self-management and self-discipline skills.
  • Excellent communication and project management skills.

加分項目 Plus

  • 曾擔任高階主管特助、秘書
  • 曾在工作中密切與高階主管合作
  • 具Fintech相關工作經驗
  • Experience as a personal assistant or secretary to senior management.
  • Experience in working closely with senior management.
  • Working experience related to the FinTech industry.



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
