
行銷業務代表 (旅宿業B2B服務)

OwlNest 奧丁丁區塊鏈旅宿管理服務

工作內容 Job Description

  • 開發全球旅館用戶,從陌生開發到議價簽約、完工請款,達成開發目標
  • 新客戶教育訓練
  • 既有客戶客情維繫
  • 蒐集市場資訊
  • Develop business targeting hoteliers worldwide; achieve goals ranging from cold calling, negotiation to signuture of contract and requests of payment.
  • Onboard for new customers.
  • Maintain and manage existing customer relationships.
  • Collect market information.

**奧丁丁設計出一整套領先全球的旅館/民宿管理系統,我們需要一位善於與人溝通、樂觀積極的行銷業務代表,為我們在世界各地開疆拓土,推廣產品。 這個工作必須進行全球旅館/民宿的陌生開發、出差拜訪、介紹並說服客戶導入,是一個充滿挑戰,樂趣與成就感的職缺!

**OwlTing developed an outstanding hotel management system. We are hiring a proactive sales representative with great communication skills to promote our excellent products worldwide. This role requires visiting and cold calling on potential customers (hoteliers or B&B owners worldwide) and promoting OwlNest, making it a challenging but fun job that gives you a great sense of achievement!

申請條件 Requirements

  • 國內外大學畢業
  • 能獨立作業,自發性強,能解決問題,重視細節,人際溝通協調能力佳
  • 具備普通小型車駕照
  • 飯店管理科系或相關產業經驗優先考慮
  • Bachelor's degree.
  • A proactive and detail-oriented person with great communication and negotiation skills; ability to work independently and solve problems.
  • Having a driver's license for regular light vehicle.
  • Bachelor's degree of hotel management or experience in related industries is preferred.



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
