工作內容 Job Description
- 奧丁丁體驗行程翻譯
- 網站內容/檔期活動/行銷文案翻譯
- 社群文案/部落格文撰寫(視能力及工作狀況而定)
- Translate tour descriptions on OwlTing Experiences.
- Translate the content on the website, copies of seasonal or other marketing campaigns.
- Create social media posts and compose blog articles (subject to your ability and the actual situation).
申請條件 Requirements
- 需良好自我管理及自律能力
- 具團隊協調及專案管理能力
- Great self-management and self-discipline skills.
- Great communication and project management skills.
加分項目 Plus
- 曾任社群編輯或行銷相關經驗
- 具英文文章撰寫經驗
- 提供翻譯作品為履歷附件
- Experience in social media management or marketing.
- Experience in composing articles in English.
- Please attach your translation works to your resume.
信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)