
(Sr.) ERP Engineer


工作內容 Job Description

  • ​瞭解SAP byDesign ERP各模組 (含主要資料及檔案關聯、與相關週邊系統支援及服務),能獨立理解系統流程,協助使用單位問題排解、方案提供、改善流程、分析設計、驗證測試轉換、文件撰寫維護及使用者進行教育訓練。
  • 參與建置、導入與內部流程改善優化等專案,以PHP程式語言開發,將資料正確導入​​SAP byDesign POS/物流/Finance等模組。
  • 需與需求單位溝通需求,並引導標準化作業,優化整合。
  • 有ERP介接開發與系統操作,相關經驗1年以上者佳。
  • 能獨立開發且能與同事協同工作。
  • ​Know about ERP modules in SAP byDesign (including primary data, file associations, and related peripheral supporting systems and services); ability to understand the system process independently to help the department using the system to solve problems, provide solutions, optimize workflow, analysis and design, test for system functional verification, write and edit documents, and conduct user training.
  • Work on projects to build, introduce, and optimize the internal process; develop in PHP and correctly import the data to modules (POS/logistics/Finance) ​​SAP ByDesign.
  • Communicate with departments that submit requests and walk them through the standardization, optimization, and integration process.
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in ERP integration, development, and system operation is preferred.
  • Ability to develop independently and collaborate with other members.


  • 1年以上相關經驗
  • 擅長PHP、Python或Java
  • Minimum 1 year of related experience.
  • Proficiency in PHP, Python, or Java.



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
