


工作內容 Job Description

  • 熟悉 防堵惡意程式、封包側錄及金鑰憑證檢測
  • 資安異常監控、分析、管理。
  • 使用資安open source 做內部的資安檢測,提供報告及檢測漏洞改善建議
  • 與第三方廠商協同合作執行Code Review、弱點掃描、滲透測試。
  • 資安事件分析與問題處理、資安架構優化調整。
  • 資安測試環境建置、維運及調校。
  • Familiarity with the protection measuers against malware infection, packet sniffing, and key certificate testing.
  • Monitor, analyze, and manage security incidents.
  • Implement internal cyber security testing with open-source tools and provide reports and vulnerability testing suggestions for improvement.
  • Collaborate with third-party suppliers to conduct code reviews, vulnerability scans, and penetration tests.
  • Analyze security incidents, solve problems, and optimize cyber security architecture.
  • Establish, maintain, and fine-tune the cyber security testing environment.

申請條件 Requirements

  • 具備3-5年以上資安工程師經驗。
  • CompTIA PenTest + 滲透測試和漏洞管理國際認證班
  • CompTIA Security+國際網路資安認證班
  • 3 to 5 years of experience as a cyber security engineer.
  • CompTIA PenTest+ Certification
  • CompTIA Security+ Certification

加分項目 Plus

  • 資工或資管相關科系尤佳。
  • 具備證照CEH、ISO 27001資訊安全管理系統主導稽核員 等 資安證照 加分。
  • 情緒管理好、良好溝通能性、與大主管討論不怯場。
  • Information engineering or information management background.
  • Certified CEH and ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) lead auditor.
  • Great ability to manage emotions and communicate; willing to share ideas and opinions in discussions with top management.



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
