


工作內容 Job Description

  • iOS APP功能開發與維護、測試發佈及上架等。
  • 開發產品橫跨市集電商平台、旅遊電商平台、旅宿後台管理及NFT區塊鏈平台。
  • 其他主管交辦事項。
  • Develop, maintain, test, and publish iOS app.
  • Develop products covering grocery and tours e-commerce platforms, hotel management system, and NFT marketplace.
  • Other assignments.

申請條件 Requirements

  • 熟悉 Swift 和 iOS SDK 開發
  • 熟悉 iOS 生命週期
  • 熟悉 MVVM-C or MVC 開發經驗
  • 具備 API 串接 經驗
  • 精通 coding layout,善於實現客製化UI,能支援不同螢幕尺寸
  • 熟悉第三方套件管理與使用
  • 注重細節及使用流程,能從使用者角度思考
  • Familiarity with Swift and iOS SDK development.
  • Familiarity with iOS lifecycle.
  • Experience in MVVM-C or MVC development.
  • Experience in API integration.
  • Proficiency in coding layout and customized UI that support different screen sizes.
  • Familiarity with the management and usage of third-party kits.
  • Detail- and process-oriented; ability to think from the user's perspective.

加分項目 Plus

  • 與 Android 團隊合作經驗
  • 具備 App Store上架 經驗
  • 有 CI、CD 自動部署經驗
  • 對Flutter有興趣或開發經驗
  • Experience in working with the Android team.
  • Experience in publishing apps on App Store.
  • Experience in CI and CD automated deployment.
  • Experienced or interested in development with Flutter.



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
