
(Sr.) 網站後端開發工程師


工作內容 Job Description

  • 與技術大神一起和其他工程團隊、設計師、行銷業務單位緊密合作,共同研發跨國產品服務。
  • 一同打造世界級的產品,橫跨支付系統、旅宿產業、電子商務及區塊鏈相關服務。
  • Work closely with excellent engineers, other engineer teams, designers, and marketing and sales teams to develop products and services for the global market.
  • Build world-class products ranging from payment services, hospitality industry, e-commerce to blockchain services.

**您是有經驗的工程師但是不想要傳統的工作模式嗎? 受夠了太多會議又沒時間寫code嗎? 趕快來加入我們吧!
**Are you an experienced engineer seeking an innovative work model? Are you fed up with endless meetings that eat up your time for coding? Join us now!

申請條件 Requirements

  • 擁有堅強的PHP Laravel 實力
  • 具備使用 Laravel 或其他框架設計開發的相關經驗
  • 兩年以上後端服務開發經驗
  • 了解 MySQL、MariaDB 等資料庫
  • 了解 Linux 系統
  • 能快速學習其他語言及框架
  • 良好的溝通與團隊合作能力
  • Solid on PHP Laravel.
  • Experience in design and development with Laravel or other frameworks.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in backend service development.
  • Understanding databases like MySQL, MariaDB, etc.Understanding of Linux system.
  • A fast learner of other languages and frameworks.
  • Good communication and teamwork skills.

加分項目 Plus

  • 了解 Docker 的部署及擴展
  • 使用 AWS 相關經驗
  • Understanding of docker deployment and scaling.
  • Experience in using AWS.



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
