
(Sr.) 網站前端開發工程師


工作內容 Job Description

  • 撰寫程式
    你必須要能獨自寫出嚴謹、注重效能、結構明確、可讀性高的程式碼,並在適當的時候找到符合需求的工具加入專案;日常的專案開發、維護過程中,你會需要與其他工程師協同合作、討論 best practice,並相互進行 code review。
  • 需求溝通
    為了客觀、清晰、有效的理解開發內容,你將會參與需求會議,與業務、UI/UX、後端工程師協同討論,並從業務身上直接理解 end user 的需求,以利推動後續開發進度
  • 影響團隊
  • Programming:
    to write clearly structured, efficient codes with high readability independently and find tools that meet your needs for the project when appropriate; in the process of development and maintenance, you will need to collaborate, discuss best practices, and conduct code reviews with other engineers.
  • Communication:
    to understand the development in an objective, clear, and effective manner, you will join demand meetings to discuss with the sales team, UI/UX team, and back-end engineers; learn about the needs of end users from the sales team for further development.
  • Influence:
    to learn about the current technology selection and project architecture of the products after joining the team. When you fully understand the current situation, you may give suggestions and influence the future technology selection of our team.

申請條件 Requirements

  • 精通 JavaScript 語法及特性
  • 精通 HTML5、CSS3,並能了解行動裝置及 RWD 設計
  • 熟悉 Vue.js 或 React.js 等任一現代前端框架
  • 熟悉 Tailwind、Bootstrap 或其他任一 CSS framework
  • 熟悉 RESTful API,具備 API 串接經驗
  • 了解 Webpack、Babel 等現代開發工具鏈的設定
  • 了解任一 CSS Preprocessor 的語法及使用方式
  • 了解 GitFlow / Github Flow
  • Proficiency in the syntax and features of JavaScript.
  • Proficiency in HTML5 and CSS3, and ability to understand mobile devices and RWD design.
  • Familiarity with any modern front-end frameworks such as Vue.js or React.js.
  • Familiarity with Tailwind, Bootstrap, or any other CSS framework.
  • Familiarity with RESTful API and with experience in API integration.
  • Understanding of the setting of modern development toolchains such as Webpack or Babel.
  • Knowing CSS Preprocessor syntax and how to use them.
  • Understanding of GitFlow or Github Flow

夥伴特質 Qualities

  • 良好的組織規劃能力
  • 主動且樂於學習
  • 樂於分享經驗及新知
  • 對技術有熱情,使用工具、套件時,會想追根究底理解原理
  • 溝通、協調能力佳,能清楚表達自己的狀態及想法
  • 面對複雜的問題能耐心處理
  • Great planning and organization skills.
  • Proactive and passionate about learning.
  • Happy to share experiences and knowledge.
  • Passionate about technology; trying to get to the bottom and understand the mechanism when using tools or kits.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills; ability to express oneself clearly.
  • Patient with complicated problems.

加分條件 Plus

  • 五年以上相關工作經驗
  • Nuxt.js 或其他 SSR 解決方案的開發經驗
  • SEO 調教的經驗
  • 渲染 & 載入速度調教的經驗
  • PHP 或其他後端語言的開發經驗
  • Docker 的使用經驗
  • AWS、GCP 等雲端服務的使用經驗
  • Five years of working experience in a related field.
  • Development experience with Nuxt.js or other SSR solutions.
  • Experience in SEO fine-tuning.
  • Experience in rendering and loading speed optimization.
  • PHP or development experience in other back-end languages.
  • Experience in using Docker.
  • Experience in using cloud services, including AWS and GCP
  • A pour-over coffee lover


If you have strengths other than the above, you may also send your CV and talk with us!



信件主旨:『應徵 XXX(職缺)–(您的大名)』,並附上個人履歷檔案(PDF尤佳)
