Abbey of Saint Gall 聖加爾修道院
The Abbey of Saint Gall is built by the Carolingian-era (8 AD. - 19AD) . <br><br>It has one of the world's most cultural treasures , such as 2100 handwritten books from the middle ages and 400 are over 1000 years old.<br><br>The interior of Library are also one of the most beautiful architecture in the world,it's definitely worth to visit. <br><br>從西元8世紀到19世紀,歐洲的卡洛林王朝(法蘭克王國) 建立了著名的聖加爾修道院,位於今天的瑞士境內。<br><br>在修道院內有無數人類珍貴得資產,像是畫在羊皮紙上的建築手稿是目前為止已知最久的古董。 <br><br>裡面的建築更是常常出現在各式各樣的畫作或拼圖當中,非常值得一遊!
2014-02-10 18:06:36